Wednesday, January 5, 2011

#1 –Trainers Wearing Whistles Around Their Necks Would Do Well to Join the Marines.

Generals are lamenting that our young military recruits are now so out of shape and weak they cannot be trained the way they’ve been trained for 200 years, with pushups, sit-ups, the long run and calisthenics. They need this type of training desperately to survive on the battlefield, because, sadly, we still have war. Their plight is an indication of how weak we’ve become as a country, but I’m affirming that this decade is the turnaround.

Therefore, I’m speaking out. Who says life out here is a battlefield? That’s an idea we must immediately reject in the field of exercise. Exercise is an art that must be learned, if you wish the results to be an attractive, sexy, toned body that reflects lifelong youth, high libido and ongoing cellular repair, as opposed to premature aging and disease.

Bullying in exercise is fruitless cruelty. The minute the bully with the whistle is gone the motivation to exercise is extinguished. You’re not a prisoner of war or a slave. There is no gain in threats that bring pain. Such a demeaning experience can never give you the result of being toned, sexy and young again.

Being flogged to exercise ages you. Stand up against this kind of abuse. One hundred years ago, the rich beat their servants. Today’s abusive trainers are stuck in a similar Dark Era. They say they’re only “trying to help you and save you from dying.” By invalidating you and putting you at risk of injury?

Correct exercising of the body a gentle art that must be taught and absorbed, just as you must learn to read. It’s not your fault if you’re out of shape because you don’t know about it. The fact is you’ve been misled on diet and exercise for nearly fifty years. So, now you can take a new direction, because Rock and I are outing the misinformation in our new book Sexy for Life.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

  1. Without a basic understanding of the visible muscles of your body and how to best stimulate them to tone, you can’t benefit from exercise. You can only burn off the active and hungry muscle you already have that keeps your metabolism high. This muscle burns the calories you eat for fuel, so you don’t store them. You can’t afford to lose this muscle!
  2. Abusive exercise causes you to lose that precious muscle. This results in a slower metabolism and greater fat storage, plus injury, self-hate, and a deep fear of and resistance to exercise.

This is a new year, and the beginning of a new decade. I’m affirming that especially in exercise and the other ways that we treat our bodies and minds (and the ways we treat each other,) kindness is the buzzword that will define success. We have shortages of many things in the world, but there is never a shortage of kindness. We can actually use kindness to end the other shortages.


Kindness starts with the most important exercise you can learn, which must be learned before you even begin to think of exercising your body. Because if you don’t master this one you won’t follow through! You won’t exercise!


How kind are you to yourself? It all boils down to what you allow yourself to think. Are you stuck in the vicious habit of sad, disempowering, angry, or depressing thoughts? Or, are you emancipated from this outdated thinking and able to keep your focus on thoughts of happiness, love success and positive outcomes? You must be able to do this for yourself, before you can count on following through in exercise.

This one exercise leads to an awakening that causes you to be kinder to everyone around you. It also ends your tolerance of abuse. You’re just not there any longer. It moves you to make better choices in life, take better care of yourself, specifically in exercise and nutrition. Now all you need is the right information, which begins to come to you in this message.

When a trainer says, “I’m only trying to help you,” and then forces you into an activity of endurance or strength that you have not been adequately conditioned to execute, just say NO! And walk away.

Watch your thoughts. Make sure they’re kind! You haven’t failed. Celebrate that you escaped injury! Then, here’s what to do. Start right away to use the following exercises. You can begin at home right away, and with each exercise affirm that you’re now a totally positive thinker of loving and uplifting thoughts about yourself and others:

  • Squeeze your glutes hard, and hold for six seconds, every chance you get. You’re activating muscle tone in your upper thighs and buns. You can do this in the supermarket, on the elevator, before bed and when you wake up, even in bed, and no one but you will know you’re exercising. When you want a soda, squeeze those buns instead. Substitute water or green tea, and squeeze. The soreness tells you you’re officially in the exercise game.

  • Inhale and pull your abs tight toward your spine as you exhale. Do this as often as you think about doing it. Make it a habit. Try to do as many as 25 a day. You’re tightening the muscles that hold your abs flat. When you want something sugary, work on flattening your abs instead. For 30 days substitute the “ab flattener” for sugar. And, again, drink plenty of green tea. It stimulates brain function and burns belly fat.

  • Stand with your feet apart, knees relaxed, and twist slowly with your arms outstretched as far as your hands can reach behind you. You’re tightening the muscles that prevent love handles and also strengthening the muscles that support the spine. Start with two sets of twenty twists and work up to two sets of fifty a day.

  • At work or at your desk at home, put your hands under the table and push up for six seconds with an exhalation. You’re toning your bicep and forearm for shapelier guns.

  • Reach up with an imaginary ax and slowly come down and chop wood between your feet, slowly, bending your knees as you come down, so that your back can adjust to this demand for more flexibility. With this one whole body movement, you’re working all your muscle groups to create overall tone—your legs, buns, back, abs, arms and shoulders. Start with two sets of five and work up to five sets of ten. You know how fit you are. You do as much as it’s sensible to do, and leave yourself a bit hungry for more. This is the secret that keeps you from quitting. This spine-based movement, according to Dr. Randolph Stone, the founder of Polarity Therapy, is also said to raise the kundalini up through the chakras. This means it may fire up your spiritual development.
Just these six toning strategies (remember the first one for your mind!) can begin the reshaping of your body and your life. No whistles, no abuse. Use them for thirty days and then let me know what has happened. I’ve just started you on a preview of your Sexy for Life education in the only science of exercise that keeps you young and stimulates your hormones for fat burning and hot sex.

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