Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sometimes a sales prospect simply won't make time to meet with you.

So how do you get your foot in the door -- literally and figuratively?

The small-biz counselors at Score Chicago hear this question frequently. Read Bradford thinks he has the best solution: Come up with something that will attract your prospect's attention.

In his "Sell LIke the Pros" workshop at Score Chicago, Mr. Bradford tells of a salesperson who actually mailed a boxing glove to a prospect -- along with a note saying, "I guess I'll have to fight my way in." That salesperson got an appointment.

Mr. Bradford, CEO of custom materials and information management systems company Bradford Systems, suggests that you target your prospect. Your prospect should want the product or service that you offer.

If a prospect asks you to simply send a price, hold off. Suggest that you need to learn more about exactly what that person wants. Additionally, work to understand the prospect's budget before quoting a price. Even if there is a wide discrepancy between the prospect's budget and your price, keep the conversation going. If you can keep the discussion open, there's a chance that you and your sales prospect can meet somewhere in the middle on price.

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