Friday, November 12, 2010

Video Marketing

You just need a simple camera like the Kodak Z18. It's HD and it doesn't have to be fancy.

Let's now get into the Do's and Don'ts of successfully marketing online with video.

The 5 Do's and Don'ts of Video Marketing

1. Don't - go into a sales pitch when you start filming. That's predictable and the old school style of marketing. It repels people, more than it attracts.

Do - welcome your viewers, be warm and inviting by saying hi, and introducing yourself.

2. Don't - rush through your video.

Do - build rapport with your audience. Mention how long you've been in business or mention what you do. Keep your viewers engaged and get them excited. When your prospects are watching your videos they're thinking, "What's in it for me?" Most people online are looking for a solution to their problems. Give them a strong hook, by building your videos around your viewers' needs. Don't forget be generous and add value. I like to say that your income is in direct proportion to the value you provide others.

3. Don't - go on about what you do only.

Do - Educate your viewers. "How to videos" are extremely powerful because they position you as an instant expert in your niche and build credibility fast. Another advantage video gives you is SEO benefits. This means more and more people are searching on Google for solutions to their problems. Some of your videos can make it to the front page of Google, saving you money on expensive advertising. You get free exposure and it's free advertising.

4. Don't - think that your video has to be perfect.

Do - share your story. Even if you mess up for a few seconds, people forget about it. I shared my story. You have to remember that people love to connect on a personal level.

5. Don't - keep your audience hanging at the end of your video.

Do - give a strong call to action. At the end of your video, tell your viewers what to do next. You can tell them to learn more and get more information about you; they can go to your website or subscribe to your YouTube channel. Tell them that you'll be making more videos for them. Too many marketers make the mistake of missing the call to action. They have great videos but they have no call to action. Tell your viewers what to do next. It's simple, direct, to the point and will help you build your email list.

Additional Video Marketing Tips to Drive Traffic to your Website

  • It's a free service. You create an account and upload one video to their site and they'll send your video out to fifteen different video sharing sites in one shot. This will save you a ton of time and help you get more views to your videos.
Set up a Facebook business page or fan page
  • Every time you post your video, post it on your Facebook business page or fan page, as well as on Twitter. That way, people can actually share the videos, with their friends and followers. All it takes is getting in front of the right person and that one new client could be priceless for you and your business.
Use the Google keyword tool
  • It's a free service where you can find keywords for your niche. It will give you ideas for long tail keywords that people in your niche are searching for. This will also help you get ideas for titles for your videos, which will help you in your search engine rankings.
Put little brackets or quotation marks on the Title of your YouTube videos
  • For example, you made a How to Lose Weight in 7 Days video. Put quotation marks around ("How to Lose Weight in 7 Days") and that will work really well in getting more views and searches to your video.
You can accomplish a lot with video. It takes some courage and being willing to put your message out there. I really believe that we all have a message. Even if you start off slow and build up your momentum, you'll feel more confident the more you practice. Once you start seeing your conversions, you'll start feeling really great and it can be a lot of fun.

Video is simply a bridge. It's a bridge for you to reach the right people and your target audience. When you think of your videos as making a difference and helping others, it's not as intimidating.

The time is now. It doesn't have to be perfect. You don't even have to get it right. You just have to get it going. It takes a commitment, a commitment to living and creating the life of your dreams. Today, we have a choice - a cool, new way of marketing and leveraging technology. It's a gift. So, don't let this opportunity pass you by. Start marketing with video. You're going to love it!

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