Friday, March 11, 2011

"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine,
freedom, and a little flower."
~Hans Christian Anderson

"3 Keys to Unleash Your Life Purpose...

and Share This Gift With Your Family,
Friends, and Clients In As Little As 60 Days!"

By Baeth Davis

Did you know that your Life Purpose is in your hands - literally? It is.

I didn't always know this.

12 years ago, I was working in a marketing job and spending my time outside of my job looking for answers as to why I was here on Earth. I read books, took workshops, formed discussion groups with friends and even traveled to India and Nepal. I had a larger understanding of this magnificent world we live in, but was no closer to finding out what my contribution was to be.

As my frustration grew, I also became quite depressed and despondent. Frightened by my negative outlook, I called a friend who suggested I pray to God for help. I actually kneeled down by my bed and said, "God, Infinite Universe, if you will show me my Life's Purpose, I will forever be your humble servant."

A few weeks later, a woman named Terry-Linn Snider came to my door, a recommendation from another trusted friend, and she 'read' my hands. She told me, "You are not living your Life Purpose." I gasped a little when she used the term 'Life Purpose,' remembering my prayer from just a few weeks before.

She continued, "The good news is that your Life Purpose is to own a successful business with an inspirational message for the masses. Your hands also indicate you might be a good hand analyst yourself. It would be a useful tool for your personal growth and the growth of your business." Soon after that reading, I set out to learn everything I could about hand analysis and building a successful business.

Since that transformational experience, I've spent the last 11 years building a business that helps entrepreneurs and corporations identify their Life Purposes and put them into action in order to generate tangible results: better customer service, more sales, more satisfaction. And I've personally read over 7,000 pairs of hands.

Thanks to this little known but rapidly spreading secret called "scientific hand analysis," a technique discovered and developed by a creative genius named Richard Unger, mentor to both Terry-Linn and myself, your specific Life Purpose can be identified from your fingerprints.

Your fingerprints form in uterine between the 14th and 16th week of development and do not change. Because this information doesn't change, it profoundly affects your life?whether you are aware of it or not.

The fingerprints reveal three key pieces of information:

1. Your Life School
2. Your Life Lesson
3. Your Life Purpose

Key #1: Your Life School

There are four types of fingerprint patterns: whorl, loop, tented arch and arch. Each of these prints brings with it a different quality. You can think of these qualities as Service, Love, Wisdom and Peace?your basic formula for living well!

In order to express Service, Love, Wisdom and Peace in your everyday life, you go to school.

Because your fingerprints do not change, you are in this school for life. As the band The Eagles sing, your Life School is a bit like the "Hotel California" - 'you can check out but you can never leave.' And if you 'check out,' your life ramps up the intensity to get your full attention and sends you back to school for more learning!

Based upon the prints on your 10 digits, it is possible to be in up to three schools; however, most people are only in one school.

Key #2: Life Lesson

Your Life School prepares you for your finest accomplishment?living your Life Purpose.

However, you may have noticed that things do not always go smoothly. You may experience frustration, anger, arguments, failure, indecision and much more on the journey to your Life Purpose. You may have noticed that this difficulty seems to have a repetitive quality - that you seem to deal with the same issues over and over again in your personal and professional relationships and activities. YOU are the common denominator in your challenges.

These challenges are opportunities for learning provided by your Life Lesson. Your Life Lesson, also identified from your fingerprints, is your shadow side, nemesis, or inner gremlin. This 'gremlin' is actually your ally in disguise, a personal trainer for your spiritual development.

For example, let's say your fingerprints reveal that your Life Lesson is "trust issues." You may find you have excellent business ideas or intuitive impressions about other people but fail to act on them. You may think it's because you can't fully trust other people or circumstances, but the real issue resides with you: trusting yourself and your own inner guidance. When you do begin to trust your inner guidance and act upon it, you may notice that positive changes begin occurring in your life?some even seeming like "miracles."

Other Life Lessons include issues with failure/frustration, power, money, creativity, communication, family, victimization, self-worth, and peer rejection. You may have one or more lessons.

Key #3: Life Purpose

By attending to your Life School daily lessons and actively doing the opposite of what your Life Lesson would have you do (act, react or do nothing out of fear), you begin expanding into the fullness of your expression here on Earth: your Life Purpose.

Your Life Purpose is where you come alive. Your Life Purpose is your area of greatest achievement, satisfaction and service. Your Life Purpose is your reason for being and is the most important thing you could ever know?and LIVE.

Life Purposes include worldly success, leadership, business ownership, creative expression to an audience, author/speaker, mother/father, advocacy, mentorship, innovating and healing work. Some people have one purpose description, others have a combination.

YOUR Life Purpose!

The most important thing you can ever do is determine your Life Purpose and begin actively living it and expressing it in all you do.

As a business coach who specializes in helping people monetize their Life Purpose, I show you what your Life Purpose is and then how to get paid doing work you love.

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