Monday, December 27, 2010

"...we have to find our heart songs all by ourselves. It's
the voice you hear inside. Who you truly are."
~ Little Penguin, "Happy Feet" movie

The Movie of YOUR Life

By MaryEllen Tribby

Do you know what you want to do with your life?

Really know?

Do you want to start your own business? Ready to join the ranks of famous entrepreneurs? Entrepreneurs, who set their own hours, make the amount of money they desire, and spend more time with their family. Entrepreneurs who make their dreams and their vision come true on every level.

Many times these dreams go beyond what most people think. These dreams include philanthropic endeavors - such as starting and running a foundation for childhood cancer or AIDS.

As a matter of fact, most of the SUCCESSFUL entrepreneurs I know have started or contributed to a major philanthropic organization simply because they can.

You see, once your business is up and running, and you are living the life you desire; the good you can spread is endless.

But how do you get there?

That's the million-dollar question.

Today I am going to take you through an exercise that does just that - teaches you how to get there. It allows you to see your life exactly how you want it to be today and in the future. Not only is this exercise effective, it is fun, as well.

Part I: Time-outs Aren't Just for Kids!

Step 1) Give Yourself a Time-out: That's right -- everyday for the next week find a spot where you can hide out from the phone, email, the kids, the staff, even your spouse. Take 10 minutes of completely uninterrupted time. Now close your eyes and just breathe. This time will rejuvenate you and provide the clarity you need.

Step 2) Get Your Brag On: As a working mom, it's so easy to appreciate and take pleasure in the accomplishments of your children, your husband, your friends and colleagues. However, we tend to overlook or sweep aside our own accomplishments. So during this "time-out," think of the compliments you have been given lately.

Instead of dismissing or trivializing them - let them sink in. Acknowledge your worthy and extraordinary qualities. It's important to remember the reasons you are starting or growing a business, to reflect on the rewards of entrepreneurship and your ability to contribute to that business. Give yourself credit for the impact you make on your family, your community and to the world.

Step 3) Your Mental Pick Me-up: Later that same day, escape for time-out #2. It could be before you leave the office or, if you work out of your home, before the kids come home from school. You could even schedule your second time-out in the evening when the kids are in bed. But you must give yourself quiet space for 15 minutes and do the following:
  • Get your journal and recall the first day you made the decision to start your business. If you are just making the decision to do so, note that as well.
  • Write down what you considered to be your first achievement. For example, setting up your website, meeting with your mentor, writing a business plan, or doing competitive research.
  • Write down EVERY achievement you can recall since then.
  • Re-read them and underline those you feel had the greatest impact.
  • Remind yourself: I am building this business because . . .
It is important to realize what you have accomplished. After one week of doing this, share your findings with a colleague, mentor, friend or spouse (because often we are much too hard on ourselves). They will be able to give you an honest perspective and help you realize you are ready for part II.

Part II: You Are The Star

Now, imagine sitting in your favorite seat in your favorite movie theater -- not with just your entire family -- but with a theater filled with all the people who are most important to you. Not just important people in your personal life, but in your business life as well. Everyone who has ever impacted your life in one-way or another is there in that theater because . . .

Tonight is the premiere of "The Movie of Your Life".

You are the star and the movie begins at your current age and your current status, which means you need to show the audience how you reached all of your goals. You will share how you made your dreams come true.

Remember you are not just the star of the film -- you are the director as well. As the director - you're in control of your movie. This means you have the power to cut out any perceived reasons for not being able to achieve your goals and dreams.

And, as director, you also can eliminate all the negative chatter in your head - that little voice that says "I can't" is completely eliminated from "The Movie of Your Life."

Now fill in the table below:

The easiest way to start is to answer the first two questions and then move to the last "How does the movie end?" After you completed those three questions fill in everything in-between.

By answering these questions, you are in essence shaping the vision for your life. Once you have invested enough effort to have a clear vision of what your desired life looks like, your own internal investor will be convinced that you are worthy enough to move from formulated fantasy to inspired reality.

Me, I usually cast Meg Ryan to play my character and Andy Garcia to play my hubby. Please share as much as you want with the Working Moms Only community right here. After all it doesn't have to be the entire table. But tell us the name of your movie and who plays you. Come on - we have all played that game with our best girlfriend.

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