Friday, January 15, 2010

Sales Tip of the Day

Jan. 15

Every “first time” is special.

First car, first job, first date, first kiss, first home ... all of the firsts are remembered with fondness (well, maybe not your first divorce), mostly because you put so much effort into acquiring each one.

The same thing goes for the first sale you make to a customer. Because you pulled out all the stops to overwhelm the customer with service and appreciation, you set a very high mark that the customer expects you to hit every time.

Problem is, as we become more and more comfortable with a relationship, we relax. We don’t put quite as much effort into the second sale; even less on the third. And, before you know it, you are completely taking the customer for granted, which could lead to a sales divorce.

The challenge is to make sure every sale feels like the first time for your customer. Document the steps you take before, during and after the first sale, and make sure you repeat those actions every time you go for another sale.

Sure, it’s a lot of work, but isn’t a loyal customer worth it?

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