Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Find a goal that scares the crap out of you

by Sally Hogshead on November 14, 2011
Do you have a career goal that makes you a little uncomfortable? You should.
This goal doesn’t have to be majestic, like ending world hunger. It can be specific to your profession, like helping every single customer find exactly the product they need. Or it can be personal, like saving enough to put three kids through college.
There are only 2 ground rules:
  1. Your goal has to expose you to a very real chance of failure.
  2. Your goal has to be big and important enough to proclaim a true purpose for your work.
As I’ve said before: If your goal is comfortable, it’s not big enough.
What do you stand for, really? What’s your career about? Once you figure that out, and then steer your life toward it, you can start to realize your true potential. This can be daunting to consider. (At least, it will be daunting if you’re doing it right.) But don’t play it safe.
Here, I’ll go first:
The goal that truly inspires me is teaching people how to become their most fascinating.
Why? Because when you fascinate, you communicate your best self. You are heard and remembered.
When you fascinate, you slice through distraction. You are not ignored or forgotten. You are not irrelevant. You have the chance to actually connect.
When you fascinate your customer, you sell more and earn more. When you fascinate your co-workers, they act upon your best ideas. By fascinating your employees, you’re motivating them to more fully engage.
When you fascinate your family, you build stronger trust.
Only by understanding your natural, authentic fascination strengths can others see your best self.
Then, and only then, can you start to make a real difference in this world.

Okay, that’s my goal that scares the crap out of me.
Your turn. Go.

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