Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."
~Oliver Wendell Holmes


The New Technique that Tripled My Sales
By Ryan Deiss

We have embarked on a new era in marketing.  Hundreds of ground-breaking marketing strategies are now available at our disposal and one thing is for sure: traditional marketing techniques of the past have been surpassed by bigger and better things.

Recently, one of these new techniques tripled my sales overnight.  I didn't add any new traffic, write any new copy or build a fancy website. In fact, I worked way less than that to make way more money.

What did I do?  I turned my long-form sales letter into a new and improved Video Sales Letter .  You see, the days of the high converting long-form sales letters are on their way out. You know the letters I am referring to...the ones that were, not too long ago, the hottest way to sell your products and services online. 

Basically, it took about three to four weeks to write these personalized sales letters, translating to a huge amount of time, money, and energy. But today there is something better - the new video sales letter.  And, no matter how accurate, friendly and professional your long-form sales letter is, with the new video sales letter format, you can expect to have a much more dramatic increase in traffic and sales.

Using video online is not new. Video is used in product tutorials, testimonials and sales presentations. So, it is no surprise that it has now evolved to be used as a way to sell, too.

Video appeals to your senses.  When you watch a video, you don't just fix your eyes and ears on it.  You engage your emotions, too.  Watch a funny video and naturally you feel elated.  Watch a video about losing something or someone important and you feel sad or may even shed a tear. It's powerful and moving to everyone who watches it. Video evokes emotion!

And consumers are crazy about these videos, too.
How can YOU use video sales letters to make more money online?   Start creating them to promote your products and and services online instead of using long-form sales letters.  You'll not only see a huge increase in your conversion rates, there will be many other benefits as well.  For example:

1.  Writing Video Sales Letters saves you time and money.
Writing long-form sales copy can be a serious pain.  Believe me on this, I know. I've written my fair share of them.  It's time-consuming and tedious and you often have to shed serious marketing dollars for it! But, outlining and recording a VSL is easier and faster than writing traditionaly sales letters. It saves you a lot of time and resources in creation, composition, formatting and editing. When you're a one-man show, this efficiency is pure gold!

2.   Video Sales Letters are perceived as CONTENT.
Whn most people see a long-form sales letter they immediately scroll to the bottom to look at the price. If they like it, they will scroll back through the copy. But, if the price isn't right, they almost always will immediately leave the page.  Their buying decision is almost entirely dependent on price, before they even hear how great your product is!

People react differently to the video sales letter.  These videos are still so relatively new in a lot of markets and people are programmed to assume videos are there to offer content (thanks to Youtube). This means that users will automatically engage with your sales message.

3. With Video Sales Letters, YOU control the sales process.

In contrast to long-form sales letter, video sales letters allow you to control the order of events.  You are able dictate the exact experience your viewer will have, and in what order.  No skipping down the page and missing great tidbits of information about your product.

Here's a tip: Set your video to have no controls. This way, your viewer doesn't have the option to skip to the end of the video to see the price. The more control you have, the higher the conversion you'll see.

Here are some things to keep in mind when creating your video sales letter.

1. KISS (Keep it Short and Simple)

Describe your benefits as precise and as specific as possible. Give only the basic facts and pay close attention to your testimonials. Remember, the emotional aspect of your VSL is critical. It helps to call people to action. Illustrate how your product works by using vivid but simple examples.

2. Target Your Customers

Do not generalize when it comes to your prospects. Pay attention to their specific demographics. This includes their age, gender, status, location, education, financial state, buying power, as well as needs and expectations.  Try to ensure that your video addresses each of these things.

3. Be Exciting

Avoid using too many still photos, boring graphs and charts. Remember, factual data like titles and numbers are better perceived in a static form. Instead, take advantage of the video itself. Use it to encourage, influence and move your viewers by using stories and words. In short, excite them.

4. Divide Your Long Story Into Several Snippets

To keep your listeners attention, break up long stories within your video into snippets throughout the entire piece. Insert the snippets near the headline, testimonials and product description sections, and after the "call to action." 

5. Think Outside Of The Box

You don't have to stick with the rules in creating your Video Sales Letter. You can be creative and experimental. Video Sales Letters have styles that you can tweak and fine-tune. The key here is to make your Video Sales Letter unique, catchy and newsworthy. An interesting Video Sales Letter amazes and engages a viewer.

Video Sales Letters are pretty easy and simple to make.  Most of the tools that you need to create them are available for free.  Creating the video is as simple as reading a PowerPoint presentation loudly and clearly and recording your voice with a microphone.  If you are not happy with your own voice, you can even have someone narrate it for you. Just capture it all with the screen capture software and that is it!  Nothing else.  Most of the time there is no editing needed.

Whether you are a first-timer or an experienced martketer, try to keep everything short and simple. Plan ahead and use your imagination.  If you follow the simple steps mentioned above I can assure you, your Video Sales Letter will be a great new addition to your business.

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