Friday, October 14, 2011

Vintage Essays By Judy Williamson, Director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center at Purdue University Calumnet
Dear Readers,
What does self-actualization mean? Supposedly it is the highest level of personal achievement wherein we do what it is we were put on this planet to accomplish. At different times in our lives it is different things, but sometimes there are these two or three haunting desires that do not leave us alone no matter our age. That little nudge, or that little idea that wakes us up at night could just be the one thing that the Creator wants us to accomplish while on this side of heaven.
Let me tell you something about myself that few of you know - all of my life I have had a love affair with cats. From the cradle and probably to the grave, cats have ranked in the "very important" category to me. Currently, I have one special cat named Mole, (pronounced Moley - as in Guacamole), who is one of my all time favorites. There have been others, but he is the one on this side of the rainbow as I have heard others express it. By that I mean he is older, but hasn't transitioned yet.
Recently, I traveled on a vacation to Alaska and was gone for several days. Although Mole was cat-sat at home, he still was glad to see me. Dr. Arcy, one of my traveling buddies, commented that "he actually smiled when he saw you." Not only did he do that, but he purred non-stop by my side for the entire night. What a welcome home greeting. Now, what's the point of all this? The point is - back to self-expression - I have been haunted about doing something with and for cats for years. But, what to do and how to do it?
Long story short. A few years back, I met Michael Telapary from the Netherlands and he listened to my crazy cat ideas and thought that they were interesting. He helped me combine his musical talent with my cats' "purrforming" and together we have launched a website that is dedicated to my family of feline friends. Is my life complete because I have done this? Well, I hope not, but it sparked my creativity, it aligned me to a friend who shares my passion, and it has allowed me to scratch another item off of my Bucket List! Crazy cat lady! Maybe. But let me ask you, what have you done with your passion? Is it still inside of you? At least I have very tangible proof now that I have manifested something that I have only wished for in the past. And maybe, just maybe, it will make the world a better place, one purr at a time.
Be Your Very Best Always,
Judy Williamson
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Journeying Toward Success
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The Law of Success

Self-Expression and Recognition
By Napoleon Hill

We should be working harder for the opportunity to express ourselves and to gain public recognition than for any amount of money. There are a great many people who are doing just that and they become successful. Many thinking men believe that the ultimate purpose of all life is seeking new and better ways to express one's self. In the process by which life evolves new models it proceeds from a simple type of idea to a more complex one, for the reason that it wishes to enjoy a greater variety of impression and expression. The ego, the self-existent, living entity of man, follows this principle and has this desire for expression. A rich source of satisfaction of this desire may be found in daily contacts with people, if contacts are made with a positive mental attitude.
In the business of becoming successful, you will find you will need both hands. One hand will be stretched upward, to receive the blessing of Infinite Intelligence, with the other extended down and outward, sharing and giving to others who are helping you in the climb. No one ever achieved outstanding success without the cooperation of others; and you realize, of course, that you must give something in return for this co-operation.

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