Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Social Media Bank: Are You Making Deposits or Withdrawals?

Social media is a bank.

And like any bank, you can make deposits or withdrawals. The problem is that too many people jump into social media, starting with a balance of $0.00 and start withdrawing like there’s a run on the bank.

Visit my website at! they tweet. Like my Facebook page! they holler. Watch this video where I talk about how long we’ve been in business!

There’s nothing wrong with talking about yourself and your business. However, every time you do, you’re making a withdrawal. And if you’ve got nothing in your savings account, what are you drawing off of?

Start making deposits.

Start promoting other people’s stuff. When you see a friend, customer or even a competitor talk about an award they’ve won, a webinar they’re putting on, or a clothes drive, retweet it, share it, like it.

If people take the time to comment on your blog, respond to them. (Something I need to work on myself.) If someone asks a question on LinkedIn, answer them with the most detailed response you can think of. Speaking of LinkedIn, when was the last time you recommended someone without being asked first?

With every retweet, comment and engagement, you’re making deposits in your social media bank. And don’t feel like those deposits are burning a hole in your pants. Don’t promote someone in a quid pro quo fashion; rather, just do it because it’s the right thing to do. If you are exclusively tuned into radio station WII FM (what’s in it for me), then consider this: by sharing and promoting OPS (other people’s stuff) you become the trusted conduit, and build a following based on your knowledge of what’s going on.

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