Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hold Money Close to You Not Far Away If You Want More in Your Life!

Most of us have been taught to hold money in a “distant place”. This perspective means that money is out there, but it’s often elusive. Sometimes you can’t actually get your hands on it at all!

The concept of money needs to be a personal relationship – an energy exchange. When you start to make anything personal, such as money, you create magnetic energy. That’s when you transcend the intellectual relationship.

You may have an intellectual relationship with money now. What you want to do is to move it into an energetic relationship.

First “receive a breath”. Notice how that’s different than when someone says “take a breath”. You’re allowing yourself to receive. You’re putting it in a different perspective.

So receive a breath now. Imagine holding money so that you can feel that connection. Just see or feel what comes up. DO it in your mind’s eye and notice the energy of it. Imagine holding money so that you can feel that connection. Just see or feel what comes up. Do it in your mind’s eye and notice the energy of it. Imagine feeling the texture of bills or coins or checks. You might even want to imagine the aroma of money.

However you connect, just receive another breath and close your eyes. Give yourself permission to play. Imagine money as a personal experience.

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