Tuesday, June 5, 2012


How Can One Control the Mental Attitude?
by Napoleon Hill

The starting point of control of the mental attitude is motive and desire. No one ever does anything without a motive, or motives, and the stronger the motive the easier it is to control the mental attitude.
Mental attitude can be influenced and controlled by a number of factors, such as:
(1) By a BURNING DESIRE for the attainment of a definite purpose based upon one or more of the nine basic motives which activate all human endeavor.
(2) By conditioning the mind to automatically choose and carry out definite postive objectives, with the aid of the EIGHT GUIDING PRINCES, or some similar technique which will keep the mind busily engaged with positive objectives, when one is asleep as well as when one is awake.
(3) By close association with people who inspire active engagement in positive purposes, and refusal to be influenced by negative-minded people.
(4) By auto-suggestion through which the mind is constantly given positive directives until it attracts only that for which these directives call.
(5) By a profound recognition, through its adoption and use, of the individual's exclusive privilege of controlling and directing his own mind.
(6) By the aid of a machine by which the subconscious mind can be given definite directives whole one sleeps.

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