Friday, April 13, 2012

The You Factor Part 1: Act
By Joshua Boswell

There is a very dangerous myth being peddled by far too many gurus and sages out there.
It is sexy and enticing. It appeals to every ounce of greed and indulgence within each of us. And, it is exploited shamelessly to extract large sums of money from your wallet and leave you without rewards of any kind.
Today, I'm going to expose this myth... and begin to give you the remedy. You will feel liberated and happy and powerful when we are done.
Here is the myth:
Failure is not your fault. It is the fault of the system you are using.
If you just had a better system, you would already be successful.
(And, oh, by-the-way, I'm selling the perfect system.)
The reason why this myth is so effective at getting you and I to buy new systems and programs is that there is a very powerful, partial-truth embedded in it.
The true part is this: With the right system and or program, you can avoid many pitfalls and dangers. It is like a map. It helps you see the fastest, most effective way to travel. It helps to remove the learning curve and can help you be more profitable faster.
This is all very, very good. It's true, the better your system, the better your odds of success can be.
Why This Half-Truth Hurts So Many People
But, it is only half of the story.
The other half - the part that failure is not your fault - is what kills the vast majority of entrepreneurs and keeps them from having any kind of real success.
This thought implies that you are useless and not really important in the equation. It suggests that the only important part is the system you're using. Alternately, it can also suggest that you are already perfect, know it all, and don't need to change anything to enjoy success. Just add system and - PRESTO! - you're successful.
Even deeper, it implies that you are a victim of the circumstances around you. The scary part about being a victim of circumstances is that once a victim, always a victim, because circumstances will always be there.
Here's the Liberating Truth
The most wonderful truth in the world is this:
You - and you alone - are the creator of your success.
Systems and gurus are just tools. They are not "done for you" programs, as most of them purport to be.
Circumstances and unexpected problems in life happen to all of us. But, none of them have the power to stop us from having success if we choose to have success in our life. You have the right and power as a human being to control your response to circumstances.
You are not the pawn of a guru... you might have to make some changes... and you are not the victim of circumstances.
If you are not a victim of circumstances, then clearly you are the master of your fate. Because of this, life can be anything you wish it to be. Anything.
If you are ignorant to the laws of success and happiness... and you know it... then, happy day! You can learn and grow and become because you are receptive to the wisdom and insights of others.
Introducing the "You Factor"
The antidote for this kind of thinking is what I call the "You Factor."
It basically states that the most important element of your success is YOU.
I know it sounds so simple and obvious, but most entrepreneurial hopefuls don't really understand this... or maybe they don't want to believe it. Whatever the case, they don't live congruent with the truth.
They think a certain system or mentor or circumstance is the thing that will really make them successful.
But that is not true.
You - and you alone - are the only power, influence, secret, or system that will make your life the rich, wonderful existence you always dreamed of having.
You are the most important factor.
But, there is one challenge to this fact... you may not fully realize it yet.
Three Aspects of the "You Factor"
There are three ways in which you are the most important factor.
Today, I'm going to talk about one of them. I will share the other two with you over the next two weeks.
My objective is to prove to you that YOU are the most important factor... and really, you have everything you need to create any lifestyle you'd like.
First, you are the most important factor because humans are beings that act and are not acted upon.
Think about this for a minute.
You are designed to act... and not be acted upon.
Consider a tree for a minute.
It comes from a seed that falls from another tree. It has no control over where it is planted. Wind, water, chance, man, and other factors all determine where it falls. Once it begins to grow, it can do little else than grow. It cannot move. It cannot protect itself. It cannot think, feel, reason, or associate. It just is.
Or what about a dog or a cat? They can get about and make some kinds of decisions, but in the end, the lives of most animals are defined by environment, their owners, and their instincts. They are acted upon and have little say in the matter.
You, as a human being, are different. You define environment. You define circumstances. You invent. You create. You react and respond.
You Are a Creature of Power
Because you are a creature of power, you live with a formidable truth: Nothing will happen in your journey toward success until you make it happen.
And, everything can and will happen when you make it happen.
It is time for you to act and stop being acted upon. Discontinue thinking you are a victim. Set aside thoughts of not having enough time, money, energy, support, systems, insights, secrets, friends, or ideal circumstances.
Pick up the challenge to be a creator. Assume the role of CEO of your life. Determine to act today and build a personal empire of your choosing.
You will not know it all. You will not have all the answers. You will not be a genius and make all the right decisions. You will not know all the secrets.
But, that does not matter. You are a being of power - a creator that is proactive in solving problems.
If you don't have it... find it. If you don't know it... learn it. If you can't do it... find someone that can.
Take action! Do something!
You... and you alone... are the single most important secret weapon in your success because you can act.
You Can Conquer All Obstacles
On May 23, 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa guide Tenzing Norgay, became the first men to successfully reach the summit of Mt. Everest and live to tell about it.
It was not his first attempt to conquer the world's highest peak. This was the ninth British expedition. Many died in those previous attempts. They were bitter failures for Hillary.
There is a legendary story of Hillary attending a dinner after one of his failed ascension attempts. The dining hall they were in was situated at the base of the mountain and had a large window that looked up toward Everest.
With a clenched fist raised to his immovable enemy, Hillary declared, "You beat us once. You beat us twice - and more. But you will not beat us forever, because we can grow and you can't."
So it is in your life.
Yes, there are problems in life. Yes, circumstances will thwart your progress. Technologies will change. Marketing ideas will evolve. You will find yourself in a labyrinth of confusing options and ideas.
But, none of this matters. It doesn't matter because you can grow and change and adapt. You can act.
Systems and gurus and secrets are not the answer. They are tools.
You - and you alone - are the answer to your success because you are the one that will take action. There is no "done for you" success system in business or life. It's an inside job.

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