Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Time is what we want most, but
what we use worst."
William Penn 
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Techniques for Controlling & Manipulating Stress
By Brian Tracy

Successful people are those who continually think and talk about the things they want.  Unsuccessful people are those who continually think and talk about the things they don't want.  When you think and talk about the things you want, you are calm, positive, purposeful and self-directed.  When you talk about the things you don't want, you are angry, frustrated, disappointed, and depressed.  And the choice is always up to you.

Make a List!

There is an old saying, "Feeling listless, make a list!"  The starting point of eliminating stress in your life is for you to make a list of goals, of the things you want to accomplish in the next 12-24 months.  The very act of making a list focuses your mind on the things you want and takes it immediately off of anything else.  You cannot write down your goals and think of something else at the same time.  One cancels out the other.

Organize your goals in order of priority and pick your most important goal.  On a separate piece of paper, write your most important goal at the top of the page and then make a list of 10-20 things that you could do right now to begin moving toward your goal.  Then, select one item on that list and start on it immediately.

This little exercise is so powerful that it will amaze you.  The very act of writing out your goals, organizing them by priority, selecting your most important goal, making a plan to achieve it and taking action on your plan will cause your negative stress to disappear and will fill your life with the kind of positive stress that energizes you and drives you forward.

Focus and Concentration

The antidote to stress is contained in the two words, "Focus" and "Concentration."  When you focus on the most important thing that you could possibly be doing and concentrate all of your time and energy on doing that one thing and getting it completed, all your stress evaporates.  All your positive energy begins to work in a forward direction.

Here's my simple formula for generating positive stress:  It is for you to concentrate single-mindedly on one thing, the most important thing, and to stay with it until it is 100% complete.

In fact, sustained, concentrated effort on a high value task releases energy, enthusiasm and motivation in the direction of achieving that task or goal.

When you discipline yourself to work single-mindedly on a high value task and you stay at the task until it is complete, you actually get an endorphin "rush" that energizes you and gives you an overall sense of well-being and personal power.

Successful people have learned this little trick to keep themselves operating at the very peak of their potential.  They insist on working on big tasks that really make a difference.  As a result, their mental, emotional and physical energies are all harmonized and they feel terrific about themselves.  They are positive, motivated and creative in everything they do.

Look for the Good

You turn stress into success by looking for the good in every situation.  An attitude of positive expectations, constantly expecting something good or beneficial, even a valuable lesson, to be contained in every situation you face, is a major source of positive energy.  And because of the Law of Substitution, you can't be looking into a situation for something good and simultaneously feel negative for any reason.

The major forms of negative stress in your life revolve around blame, anger, resentment, envy, jealousy and other negative emotions that preoccupy the great majority of mankind.  The wonderful discovery is that you can short-circuit or de-wire all these emotions by refusing to blame anyone for anything and instead accepting complete responsibility for everything you are and everything that happens to you.  Repeat the words, "I am responsible, I am responsible" over and over to yourself whenever you face any problem or difficulty at all. 

These words give you a tremendous sense of personal power and control.  They make you feel that you are on top of your life and the situation rather than having the situation determining how you think and feel.

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