Thursday, July 15, 2010

"A life without cause is a life without effect."
~ Barbarella

Power Over Life's "Pings"
By Kristin Andress

On any given day in a woman's life, she is a chameleon, a juggler, a chauffeur, a chef, a professional and a magician. Some of us may make it look easy, though as insiders we know it can be riddled with stress, setbacks and self-judgment. All of us need help managing the "PINGs" of life, the variables that affect us and can knock us off course.

Have you ever watched a movie that left you with a sense of empowerment as you walked out of the theater? One that had you cheering the protagonist for beating seemingly impossible odds? Most likely you have. Moving. Inspiring. Empowering. These movies resonate with us because we like to see people triumph. We truly want others to beat the odds, whether it is in love, sports, business, war, or life in general. We want happy endings. Of course, on the road from youth to adulthood, we learn that not everything ends happily ever after. We come to realize that while we can overcome the dragons, poisoned apples, magic potions, and evil stepmothers . . . we still may not end up with the prince. Life teaches us that.

But what life does not teach us is the skill to deal with the setbacks we may face. You probably know that life is not always smooth sailing. There will always exist the crests (highs) and the troughs (lows)--and those troughs are the PINGs. Where you are in your life right now can probably be charted by the many PINGs you have experienced along the way. Life really comes down to choosing whether you will let the PINGs rule you. It is within your power to take control of your life and take responsibility for your responses and actions.

PINGs are powerful forces. Some may be little ripples that are annoying enough to disrupt your plans. Some may be high seas that force you to look for new routes, and some may be catastrophic, making you hang on for dear life. You never know when the PINGs are going to hit, so you need to learn to recognize them so you can control just how much affect they will have on your life. Have you ever had an occasion when an incident threw you off course and you cursed it until you realized that, wait, there may be something good that can come of this? There are plenty of examples of these PINGs in life--those seeming setbacks that ended up taking someone to new heights:

  • Oprah Winfrey being told by her TV station manager that she was not going to make it as a reporter only to become the greatest female multimedia mogul in history.
  • Lance Armstrong being told that a cancerous tumor had metastasized to his brain and lungs only to become the only cyclist in history to win seven consecutive Tour de France races.
  • Erin Brockovich being ridiculed by fellow employees for her lack of a formal law education only to lead the largest direct class action lawsuit in U.S. history.

What is important to remember is that PINGs--while they can be seemingly devastating at the time--can actually end up benefitting us. It is how PINGs are perceived that makes all the difference. Consider the XY Equation:

X = The variables in life

Y = You, the constant

You are the Y (and the "why") in every situation, and if you have a strong belief system, a strong core, you will be able to overcome any obstacle, any variable that comes into your life equation. Your belief system equips you with the creative ability to confront and deal with the problems that arise. It will arm you with the resourcefulness to face any situation--no matter how dire--and, if necessary, chart a new direction for the future. It will also inspire you. It will be the fire in your belly that will allow you to believe in the seemingly impossible. It will be the energy that will propel you through the fears and doubts. Be the constant. Be the Y--and the "why"--at all times and you'll find that no X can stop you. Make the conscious choice to not let the Pings rule you.

There is no way to de-PING your life; however, there are ways to utilize the PINGs to your advantage or to get past them when they stop you. To gain power over the PINGs:

Remain resilient. You may have to adjust in order to handle the situation and the circumstances, and you will need to review what you need to do next. If, however, you become a reaction to the PING, then you will lose your power to focus and continue.

Use your lifelines. These are exactly the times when you need others to support you. Reach out to those you trust and ask them for what you need.

Exercise your internal or personal power. Power is "the ability to act or produce an effect." Your ability to overcome obstacles is directly related to the power of your imagination and the strength of your belief system. How you control your life in tense or stressful situations--and how you intensify that potential within you--will determine your success in handling setbacks. Conversely, powerlessness comes from the feeling or belief that you have no control, no capacity to dig deep inside for that power to overcome setbacks. You feel weak and unable to cope. You cannot see the possibilities or believe in a positive outcome. If you allow that feeling of powerlessness to master you, then you will be swallowed whole and spit out by life. Be the PING master, rather than give them power over you.

Stay focused on your intentions. Keep what you desire to manifest in your life front and center. You will need to address head on the PINGs that are providing you with the reasons, explanations, and excuses for not taking the actions needed for you to be in a life you love.

Be willing to make things happen for yourself. Be wise enough to welcome change, take another approach, create new opportunities, and talk to people who will help you through the problem. And, when you need to, take an SPD. What is an SPD? It's a Special Person Day. It can be your way of acknowledging that you are getting PINGed. Allow yourself time to get angry or sad about it, and then move on. That is the really important part to understand here--move on. You only get 24-hours for your SPD. Any more than that and you will become one of those people who most likely gets on your nerves!

These variables in life, these PINGs, do exist and will continually challenge you. Having a strong core, a strong belief system, can help you overcome them, and help you gain control over them. Use your imagination to get through the setbacks. Do not hand your power over to someone or something else. Do not wallow in the misfortunes. The minute you do, you lose. Stay focused on your intentions, walking with the knowledge that you will handle any setback that comes your way. Bring real power into your everyday life by refusing to be a victim of life's circumstances. If you can say, "I have the power to handle anything and everything that gets in my way of reaching my best intention," you will be one step closer to managing the PINGs you face in life so you can begin living it in a way you love.

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