Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is
a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in
us, becoming all that we can be."
~ Zig Ziglar

How To Find The Celebrity Inside You
And Profit From It!
By Kristi Frank
I never thought that two small words could and would change my whole life...

My face felt flush. I was completely shocked, and then I screamed! Me, on the very first season of NBC's 'The Apprentice'! What were the odds, with over 250,000 videotape auditions submitted? And I had no idea of what I was in for next.

I left my friends and family that morning telling no one where I was headed, ready to see what it meant to possibly work for Mr. Donald Trump. That first season it was still very unclear, as the show had never aired and we were actually there to compete for a job with the billionaire himself (not reality television "stars" like so many who followed). I had no idea that this thing called, 'The Apprentice' would capture America's interest and that I'd soon be stopped in the streets for autographs and sitting on Oprah's couch talking to her!

"I'm sorry, Kristi, but, you're fired." And with those two infamous words, the world saw me lose my chance to work for Mr. Trump. And that would be a sad ending were it not in real life such an opportunistic beginning - because what came next was the most interesting and powerful part of the whole journey. And since I've had so much time to reflect on this remarkable experience, I want to share some of my insights with you.

The Power That Celebrity Brings

Before 'The Apprentice,' I had no idea of the potential power of celebrity and what it would mean for me. The show was everywhere that first year. I remember when I flew to New York for the finale, a man across the way from me was staring at me and I looked down and saw that he was reading a Time magazine with a cover page of Mr. Trump and all 16 of 'The Apprentice' contestants on it. Strange huh? I use the fact that I was on Oprah, The Today Show, The View and MSNBC front and center in my bio. Why? Dan Kennedy told me the very first time I met him, "Use it with everything you do, most people I know would kill to be on TV, so milk it, and do it now."

But how do you achieve something as elusive as "fame" even if you don't get on a TV show? How do you achieve a "celebrity" name without becoming what our media has crowned a "celebrity"? It's my opinion that the marketing power of "celebrity" is achievable to anyone, including you.

Women will often come up and say to me, "I'm just a normal, everyday person, how can I become a celebrity?" My answer? You have a voice, a life, a story... anyone can become a celebrity expert!

Why Become A Celebrity Expert?

1. Instant credibility and 'Expert' Status.

When you appear on TV, write a book, magazine article, even a blog, you instantly are perceived as "the expert". No credentials needed. We tend to believe someone more when they have written on the subject.

2. Free press.

When you get the word out about you, your customers will want to write, talk, blog, share and brag about you as well.

3. Creates an automatic relationship.

People buy from people they know, trust, like & admire. It's instant credibility and recognition.

4. Gives your customers a sense of pride.

Have you ever heard someone say, "Take a look at the purse I just bought, it's a Kate Spade," or brag about the latest celebrity doctor they visited, or the book by that lady who was on Oprah?

5. Creates an instant 'Brand' for you.

If you focus on your brand and not the product you can extend your brand across the board. Look at what Mr. Trump has done with his celebrity. He's leveraged it to golf courses, Trump University, clothing, casinos and even water! If he had branded only his buildings the brand ends there, but instead he's extended and keeps building upon it. He is truly the master of the personal brand.

So How Do You Do It?

You become a celebrity because you are good at what you do and the world finally learns about it. Here are six steps towards creating your own path in the celebrity direction:

1. First, ask yourself - what is my "story" and what would people find interesting about me? You have a unique story and your customers are fascinated when they hear it. Make it fun, interesting, unique - what is special about you?
2. Target your niche. It's impossible to reach everyone with your message - it's simply too expensive and ineffectual. Target your niche audience and give them expert advice and you can become an expert in a matter of months.
3. "Credentialize" yourself. Join an association, trade group, peer organization, online community - go to the meetings and get active. Share articles, advice, and talks. Take a class or even better teach one!
4. Determine just who you are and (here's the key) what you can do for your intended audience. Display your expertise and how you can help them. When you give out your business card, put something enticing on the back (ex. 'The 5 Fastest Ways to Find a Buyer in Today's Market'), and send them to your website to download the report. Stand out in the crowd and provide extra value.
5. Write a book, write articles... just write! Start with 12-18 bullet points, write 10-12 pages on each and bam you've got an e-book. If you need help go to, or a local university and hire a ghostwriter to work with you.
6. Publish a newsletter. Break up your advice and ideas into sections and "tease" the audience with small gems to keep them coming back. Let them get to know you with pictures, quotes, etc. and make it fun and interesting.

Once you start doing some of these things, you will instantly be regarded as a leader and innovator in your particular field. You'll even find your competitors coming to you for help. They'll want to advertise in your newsletter, website and ask for partnerships and advice. So, create a unique story, "credentialize" yourself, target a niche audience and give your audience some added perceived value.

Remember, to step out from the crowd first, determine your expertise (you have one or more!); research it; write it; then generate your buzz by letting others know. Then watch what happens as YOU become the celebrity expert and may soon start signing those autographs!

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